Bouquet Trésor de tulipes de Teleflora - Service corporation intl - quebec (sciqc) Aller au contenu principal Aller au menu principal Aller au pied de page

Trésor de tulipes de Teleflora

  • Standard complet et luxuriant 90,99 $
  • Présentoir floral Opulent Deluxe 97,99 $
  • Luxueux et majestueux Premium 110,99 $
Tous les prix en CAD ($)

Ce bouquet contient des fleurs qui sont actuellement hors saison.

Blooms this beautiful don't need decoration! Twenty-one tantalizing tulips in soft spring colors make a thrilling thank you gift or sweet and innocent reminder of your love or friendship.

  • Twenty-one tulips - in yellow, white and pink - are very simply and elegantly presented in Teleflora's clear glass Couture Vase.
  • Orientation: All-Around

Created for Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection, this shapely glass vase features graceful contours that complement any bouquet.

Standard - $90.99


Deluxe - $97.99


Premium - $110.99


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