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Bouquet Be The Moment de Teleflora

Tous les prix en CAD ($)

Ballons en Mylar

Animal en peluche

Boîte de chocolats

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Make any moment magical with this breathtaking bevy of roses, presented to perfection in a hot pink glass cube that lives on as a cute candleholder. Send this featured bouquet and Teleflora will donate 15% of the purchase price to support the vital work of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation®.

    Crème roses, pink spray roses, pink alstroemeria and miniature pink carnations are arranged with white waxflower, dusty miller and oregonia. Delivered in Teleflora's Color Splash Cube.
  • Orientation: All-Around

Available exclusively from Teleflora, this fabulous glass cube is white on the inside and fuchsia-colored on the outside. It will add a gorgeous splash of color to any occasion and it's great as a candleholder, too!

Standard - $77.99


Deluxe - $90.99


Premium - $103.99


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