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Pitcher perfect! Finished with an iridescent glaze, this food-safe ceramic pitcher lends a country vibe to a stylish springtime bouquet of roses and mums.
Pitcher perfect! Finished with an iridescent glaze, this food-safe ceramic pitcher lends a country vibe to a stylish springtime bouquet of roses and mums.
Pitcher perfect! Finished with an iridescent glaze, this food-safe ceramic pitcher lends a country vibe to a stylish springtime bouquet of roses and mums.
Lavender roses, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, green carnations and purple limonium are arranged with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Pour on the Pretty pitcher.
Lavender roses, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, green carnations and purple limonium are arranged with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Pour on the Pretty pitcher.
Lavender roses, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, green carnations and purple limonium are arranged with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Pour on the Pretty pitcher.
Orientation: All-Around
Ceramic pitcher with reactive glaze; FDA-approved to safely serve and store food