Bouquet Riche en amour de Teleflora - Service corporation intl - quebec (sciqc) Aller au contenu principal Aller au menu principal Aller au pied de page

Bouquet Riche en amour de Teleflora

Tous les prix en CAD ($)

Ballons en Mylar

Animal en peluche

Boîte de chocolats

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When you truly want to take their breath away, send this mesmerizing rose bouquet. Its artistic, organic design, luxurious blooms, and shimmering cube vase set it apart from the rest!

  • This dramatic bouquet features red roses, dark red spray roses, maroon carnations, red miniature carnations, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and parvifolia eucalyptus.
  • Delivered in Teleflora's Red Mirrored Cube.
  • Orientation: One-Sided

Created for Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection, this versatile cube features a distinctive red "mirror" finish.

Standard - $64.99


Deluxe - $71.99


Premium - $77.99


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