Bouquet Coulée de lavande de Teleflora - Service corporation intl - quebec (sciqc) Aller au contenu principal Aller au menu principal Aller au pied de page

Bouquet Coulée de lavande de Teleflora

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Ballons en Mylar

Animal en peluche

Boîte de chocolats

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Lovely in lavender! With its beautiful artisanal glaze and whimsical dragonfly, this sweet ceramic pitcher--that's also food-safe!--makes the perfect presentation for a bright pink bouquet.

    This bouquet features pink spray roses, miniature hot pink gerberas, hot pink matsumoto asters, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, lavender waxflower, pitta negra and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in Teleflora's Whimsical Dragonfly pitcher.
  • Orientation: All-Around

This charming ceramic pitcher with distressed lavender glaze and embossed dragonfly motif can be enjoyed throughout spring and summer - available Exclusively from Teleflora. FDA-approved to safely serve and store food.

Standard - $97.99


Deluxe - $110.99


Premium - $123.99


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