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Bouquet Beauté immense de Teleflora

Tous les prix en CAD ($)

Ballons en Mylar

Animal en peluche

Boîte de chocolats

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Make a grand statement on any occasion with this truly amazing arrangement of bright and pale pink roses, luxuriously arranged with delicate orchids and fragrant lilies in a gorgeous gray pot.

  • This grand arrangement features dark pink hydrangea, pink cymbidium orchid blossoms, crème roses, hot pink roses, white asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, green trick dianthus, peach hypericum, sword fern, dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf.
  • Delivered in Teleflora's Modern Heritage pot.
  • Orientation: All-Around

This is a flowers-in-a -gift selection, limited-edition gift which can be used for years to come. Available exclusively from Teleflora.

Standard - $363.99


Deluxe - $402.99


Premium - $428.99


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