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Experience the thrill of a '65 Mustang with this stylish ceramic keepsake vase, hand-glazed and filled with a vibrant red and white bouquet. Perfect for celebrating any cool occasion, just like the iconic car itself!
Experience the thrill of a '65 Mustang with this stylish ceramic keepsake vase, hand-glazed and filled with a vibrant red and white bouquet. Perfect for celebrating any cool occasion, just like the iconic car itself!
Experience the thrill of a '65 Mustang with this stylish ceramic keepsake vase, hand-glazed and filled with a vibrant red and white bouquet. Perfect for celebrating any cool occasion, just like the iconic car itself!
Embrace timeless elegance with red roses, deep burgundy carnations, and crisp white cushion spray chrysanthemums, adorned with dusty miller, grevillea, and parvifolia eucalyptus. This stunning arrangement is presented in Teleflora's iconic '65 Ford Mustang Keepsake. It's a tribute to enduring beauty and sophistication.
Embrace timeless elegance with red roses, deep burgundy carnations, and crisp white cushion spray chrysanthemums, adorned with dusty miller, grevillea, and parvifolia eucalyptus. This stunning arrangement is presented in Teleflora's iconic '65 Ford Mustang Keepsake. It's a tribute to enduring beauty and sophistication.
Embrace timeless elegance with red roses, deep burgundy carnations, and crisp white cushion spray chrysanthemums, adorned with dusty miller, grevillea, and parvifolia eucalyptus. This stunning arrangement is presented in Teleflora's iconic '65 Ford Mustang Keepsake. It's a tribute to enduring beauty and sophistication.
Orientation: All-Around
This ceramic 1965 Ford Mustang, hand-glazed in classic poppy red is part of Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection. The perfect gift to celebrate Dad on his special day, or any day! Ford Motor Company Trademarks and Trade Dress used under license to Teleflora.