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Bring a bright contemporary touch to this glorious season with a chic fall bouquet in a stylish orange cube vase. Subtly sensational, it's a great gift for faraway friends.
Bring a bright contemporary touch to this glorious season with a chic fall bouquet in a stylish orange cube vase. Subtly sensational, it's a great gift for faraway friends.
Bring a bright contemporary touch to this glorious season with a chic fall bouquet in a stylish orange cube vase. Subtly sensational, it's a great gift for faraway friends.
The stylish contemporary arrangement includes yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, bi-color orange roses, rust cushion spray chrysanthemums, yellow disbud chrysanthemum and yellow Viking spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greenery.
Delivered in an orange cube vase.
The stylish contemporary arrangement includes yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, bi-color orange roses, rust cushion spray chrysanthemums, yellow disbud chrysanthemum and yellow Viking spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greenery.
Delivered in an orange cube vase.
The stylish contemporary arrangement includes yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, bi-color orange roses, rust cushion spray chrysanthemums, yellow disbud chrysanthemum and yellow Viking spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greenery.
Delivered in an orange cube vase.
Orientation: All-Around
This is a limited-edition Flowers-in-a-Gift selection which can be used for years to come. Available exclusively from Teleflora.